How to Make Money from Fiverr - What is a Gig?

How to Make Money from Fiverr - What is a Gig?

What is GIG?

A micro job or service offered on Fiverr is called a Gig.

Following are the some examples of a Gig:

“I will design a modern logo for your business”

“I will convert 50 PDF pages into MS word”
“I will write an article of 500 words”
“I will do 10 pictures background removal in $5”
“I will design a business card in just $5”
“I will create an impressive power point presentation”
“I will do market research and build business contact database”
“I will build professional wordpress website or blog”
“I will find and fix HTML,CSS, Javascript and PHP bugs”
“I will rank your website first page of Google”
“I will create 5000 authority backlinks for high SEO ranking”
“I will record a professional voice over for your product or service”
“I will design professional social media cover”

A new buyer on Fiverr may create 7 Gigs for different services. Minimum price of a Gig listed on Fiverr starts at $5 but can go up in price based on the buyers specifications. Price of a Gig may be increase to hundreds of dollars.

Most of the jobs involve technical skills such as, writing, programming, designing & graphic etc. But skills on can range from funny to goofy depending on your natural charisma and personality.

How to Create an Effective Gig on Fiverr

After completing user profile and completely setting up account the next step will be creating your first Gig. When creating Gig there are few things must keep in mind. Each element for creating a new gig is explain in detail in following lines which a seller should be keep in mind while creating an effecting gig:

1. Gig Title

The gig title is very important, because this is your first chance for buyer to understand what your gig is about. Clear and concise titles perform better. When creating a title it is important to use your keyword in title. Maximum length of gig title is 80 characters, however a Shorter and concise Title gets more response.

When creating a title it is important to practice your Keyword into your title because certain keywords attract certain customers. Here is an example, you have a gig that is titled

“I will create a banner for your website,”

and the customer is looking for Facebook banners for their website. Although the keywords banner and website are included its very broad, making it easy to loose a potential customer. Most customers like to buy gigs that are specific to what they are looking, so to attract that customer to your gig you have to write exactly what they are looking for.

2. Select Appropriate Category and Search Tags

After choosing an appropriate title, the next step is to select a gig category and search tags. Selecting the appropriate category is very important as most buyers just go straightly to these categories to search for gigs. So if you placed your gig in an inappropriate category you will lose to get orders. As appropriate category is important, relevant search tags (key words) are also playing an important role in gig ranking. While searching a specific service buyer just use specific words to find out relevant gigs. So if you use relevant keywords (search tags) your gig will appear in the search of buyer. Hint: You may get idea of keywords that successful sellers using on a specific gig category.

3. Pricing Gigs

Pricing your gig is all entirely up to you, however, much like any other business there is always competition with other sellers.

Fiverr offers the opportunity for sellers to offer 3 packages in one gig. This is an opportunity for you to vary your services at different costs. I suggest you should choose “3 packages” and you will have the option to offer your gig in basic, standard and premium packages. In these packages you may price your services by variation in time of delivery, number of revisions and delivery of source file format etc. 

4. Gig Extras

In “my gig extra” you may charge more for additional services that cannot be included in the gig description. The more you level up, the more opportunity you have to add more and higher cost Extras. You can change these Extras and their pricing at any time, so there’s no harm in testing different offers to see what might work best for your buyers. Once this is done, you can click to “save & continue” and proceed to the next section which is the product “description and FAQ” section.

5. Gig Description

Description is like a CV or resume. After viewing Description buyer decided that he contact someone or just leave it. Descriptions should be well written in simple English. If you’ve enabled multiple packages, explain well the difference and benefits over each one. This is your opportunity to sell your services and let customers know why they should do business with you. Descriptions are limited to 1,200 characters so you have to be concise.

6. Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Frequently asked question is another important factor in creating a successful gig. The general purpose of FAQs is to give the customers details based on questions they may have regarding the gig. In this case, FAQ is use to provide answers to questions a buyer may have regarding the gig before they place an order. Once this is done, click “save & continue” and move to the next section “Requirements”.

7. Requirements

In this section you tell your buyer what you need to get started. You ask any information that will help you to provide better services to your buyers. You have to clearly state what you need and how you want them to respond to your requirements. When it is done, click on “save & continue” and move to the next section which is the “gallery”. 

8. Upload Images

In gallery section you are required to upload images, videos & pdf file which is related to your work. Eye catching gig images will always prompt the buyer to click on it. Upload photos that describe or relate to your Gig. You may upload up to three images. Atleast one image is mandatory. I suggest you should take advantage of all three image slots. The photos can be samples of your work. Each image should be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP format, and upto 5 MB. The recommended image size is at least 690 x 426px.

These images should be high-resolution, make sure the dimensions fit 682 x 459 pixels. The minimum image dimensions should be 550 width and 370 height. The image should be owned by you. Do not use copyrighted images; otherwise your Gig won’t be approved or suspended.

9. Add Video

Fiverr allow you to upload a video relating with your work, it is not mandatory but gig with video enhance the chances of selling of your gig. Fiverr has released the statistic that Gigs with a video sell 220% more than those without. Because of that, consider to upload a video to take advantage. Length of a video may be upto 75 second and 50 MB in size.

10. Upload PDF File

Fiverr recommend adding a PDF file, if it further clarifies the service you will be providing. PDF file is not a mandatory requirement. When you complete your gallery section, click on “save & continue” and move to the next section which is the “Published”. 

11. Published Your Gig

Congratulations; your gig almost completed. Now you are required to verify your Phone number. When you verify your phone number, your gig will be published and available to the buyers.

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