What Is Sitemap In Website | Importance and Types of Sitemps

What Is Sitemap In Website | Importance and Types of Sitemps

What Is Sitemap In Website?

Do you know! What is sitemap in website? This article will tell you about the sitemap, Importance of sitemaps and types of sitemaps in website

The sitemap is a file which contains all the information of pages, videos and other files on a website. It tells search engines like Google about the structure of your website and also tells which file or pages are important in your site. Sitemaps are also helpful to the users for navigating through the website easily and to the search engines for indexing the websites. 

Importance of Sitemaps 

A sitemap is an important SEO factor and effects on website ranking. So it is essential to add a HTML or XML sitemap for a website for better ranking in search engines. 

  • The site becomes more visible to the search engine “spiders”
  • It helps search engine “spiders” to crawl through your site.
  • Placing the sitemap on a site makes indexing faster.
  • Sitemap enhanced the navigation and helps the user to navigate through and understand your site.

Different Types of Sitemaps

There are two commonly used Sitemaps; XML and HTML sitemaps. While they share similar functions, however there is a key distinction; XML sitemaps guide search engine bots, not users, while HTML Sitemaps guide visitors, mostly.

What is XML Sitemaps?

XML sitemaps are written for search engine bots only. When a bot visits a site, it first accesses the robots.txt file, which is a list of instructions, including the URLs to crawl or ignore. It allows search engines to know the structure of a website, so that they can crawl through it and find all the pages in the quickest possible time.

Your XML sitemap communicate with search engines and tells the location of a page on your website, when it was updated, the updating frequency, and the importance of the page as it’s related to other pages on your site and index the pages accordingly. As a result, this increases your chances of boosting the SEO ranking of your website.

What is HTML Sitemaps

HTML sitemaps are available on your website for users to browse. Your HTML sitemap should include links that help the user navigate your website. HTML Sitemaps are similar to XML files in that they detail the pages and links available on your website. Search engine bots can crawl your HTML sitemaps, and using them sends strong user experience signals to Google. 

Creating a sitemap is easy, but it’s important to make sure that you’re creating one that will help your site rank well in search engines. Shortly, we can say Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling.

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